Łukasz Chotkowski
Short bio
Łukasz Chotkowski – playwright, director, author of theatre plays, theoretical texts and conversations with Elfriede Jelinek. Author of the book “Masculinity” (ADiT 2019). He has published in “Dwutygodnik”, “Dialog”, conference books and anthologies. Author of adaptations and stage scripts for over thirty theatre productions.
In the years 2006-2014 he worked at the Polish Theatre in Bydgoszcz as chief dramaturge. Dramaturge and co-author of scripts for theatre productions by Maja Kleczewska, including: “Phaedra” after Euripides, “Marat/Sade” after Peter Weiss, “The Oresteia” after Aeschylus (National Theatre in Warsaw), “Platonov” after Anton Chekhov, ” Babel”, “Winterreise”, “Shadows. “Eurydice Speaks” after Elfriede Jelinek (Polish Theatre in Bydgoszcz), “Rage” after Elfriede Jelinek, “Rats” after Gerhard Hauptmann, “The Bacchae”, “Face to Face” after Bergman (Powszechny Theatre in Warsaw) “The Tempest” after William Shakespeare, “Waiting for the Barbarians” after Coeetze (Deutsches Schauspielhaus in Hamburg), “The Dybbuk” after Anski, “Golem”, “Berek” (Jewish Theatre in Warsaw), “The Painted Bird” after Kosiński, “Hamlet” (Polish Theatre in Poznań), “Ancestral Evening” (Slowacki Theatre in Krakow).