6th FestivALT | 24.06–03.07.2023

FestivALT challenges stereotypes and promotes new ways of thinking about Polish-Jewish, contemporary issues. We operate at the intersection of art, activism and education; we take up difficult and meaningful topics relating to the complexity of Polish-Jewish relations in Poland today.

In the program of ARKHIV | אַרכיוו


FestivALT welcomes artists from around the world. The program includes over 15 theatre and music performances, exhibitions, conversation events, city walks and more. And this year we welcome interdisciplinary artist, Tobaron Waxman, working on residency with the Thinking Through the Museum project, in partnership with the POLIN Museum and Theatre Powszechny.
We have titled this year’s FestivALT, Arkhiv / אַרכיוו (Archive in Yiddish). Many of this year’s artists are exploring how archives frame the narrative lens, and as cultural producers, we are asking ourselves how the programs we share may inform the future framework of historical realities. What are our responsibilities to the future archives, and how do we work with archives to understand how we identify in the present tense and how we will be identified in the future.
Financed by

FestivALT is being presented in cooperation with Allianz Cultural Foundation, the Dutch Jewish Humanitarian Fund and with support from The Together Plan.