“The Jew, the Dog and the Neighbour. A neighborhood walk and practical introduction to Jewish law” Schwarz – urban walk

The proposed walk is a unique outdoor meeting with an expert on Jewish law regarding burials and cemeteries. Exploration of the site of the former Płaszów camp in Kraków will help understanding the often different expectations, needs and rules that guide visitors to this place.

Participants will be introduced to issues related to the rules of behavior in places where there are Jewish burials and cemeteries – both traditional and war ones. The walk is intended as a demonstration of these principles in practice – the participants will move around in such areas where they can walk with their dogs, respecting Jewish law.

The aim of this project is to show that the key to harmonizing the dissonances of heritage in the former KL Plaszow camp is to see its diversity, listen to and testify to the opinions of each party, to accommodate various narratives and needs of all interested parties, and to develop a common vision of the future.

The project explores the unquestionable need to commemorate the KL Plaszow camp and similar places, and draws attention to their contemporary complexity and importance for the local residents.

Financed by

The event is financed from the Program "Aktywni Obywatele – Fundusz Krajowy".