“The Jew, the Dog and the Neighbour. A neighborhood walk and practical introduction to Jewish law” Schwarz – urban walk

  • Time & Date 26.06.2023 / 10:30
  • Location start: "Gray House" | 3 Jerozolimska St.
  • Original language PL / EN

    Polish with translation to English

Join us for a neighborhood walk and practical introduction to Jewish law.

We invite you, with or without your dog, on a guided tour around the area of the former KL Plaszow concentration camp, which was founded on top of two Jewish cemeteries. Today, largely unmarked, the area functions primarily as a recreational site. During the walk with residents and visitors, Alexander Schwarz, an expert on Jewish burial and cemetery law, will introduce participants to the behavioral rules of behavior at Jewish burial sites according to Jewish law, and explain the topography of the site. The walk is designed as a presentation of these rules in practice. We will walk through such areas where we can, with respect for Jewish law, walk with our dogs, and we will also talk about what Jewish law requires of us at burial.

Spaces are limited. Please register below.

Financed by

This event is part of FestivALT 2023 organized as part of the project "MultiMemo. Multidirectional Memory: Remembering for Social Justice" with the support of the European Union through the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) Program (2021–2027).