Jolanta Krawczykiewicz

Jolanta Krawczykiewicz has been actively working in Słupsk, a city without post-war Jewish traditions, where she promotes knowledge about Jewish culture, customs, religion, and art. Thanks to her efforts, events such as the Jewish Culture Days and initiatives commemorating the pre-war Jewish residents of Słupsk have become a permanent part of the city’s calendar.

The events she organizes are known for their diversity of themes and forms—ranging from folklore and music to tackling complex issues of reconciliation and dialogue. Her projects attract both local experts and prominent figures, such as Szewach Weiss.

In collaboration with the Foundation for the Preservation of Jewish Heritage, Krawczykiewicz has created theatrical productions like “On the Border of Two Worlds. Dybbuk” and “The DNA of the Soul”, as well as the educational city game “In the Footsteps of Słupsk’s Jews.” She has also been involved in commemorative efforts, such as raising funds for a plaque honoring Słupsk’s Jews deported to Auschwitz.

Additionally, she has initiated intercultural projects such as the Encounters with the Culture of Belarus, Russia, Tatars, and Roma. Her work has brought new opportunities for dialogue and education to Słupsk, engaging residents in preserving memory and building bridges between cultures.