Katarzyna Bojarska
Short bio
Katarzyna Bojarska – culture studies scholar, her scientific interests include: visual culture, contemporary art, cultural memory, trauma studies, affect studies. Chairwoman of the Board of the Foundation for Visual Culture “Widok”, co-founder and editor of the scientific journal “Widok. Theories and Practises of Visual Culture”. Head of research projects dealing with questions of cultural memory. She led the Work Package and a Polish research group in the project RE-Past: Strengthening European integration through the analysis of conflict discourses: revisiting the past, anticipating the future (Horizon2020, 2018–2021), she was also head of a group fellowship for the project “The World as an Archive – Critical Models of Historicity” (NPRH 2012–2014). In 2019, she received the Fulbright Slavic Award (University of Illinois, Chicago). He is currently working on the project “Lot’s Wife. Female Forms of Remembering, Witnessing and Viewing the Past” (NCN, 2021–2023).
At SWPS University, she teaches courses in visual culture, contemporary art, art criticism, theories and practises of cultural memory, and English in academic use. She serves as coordinator of the Cultural Studies programme.