ALTernative Jewish Golf Cart (Melex) Tours

One way of charting the popularity of Krakow’s Kazimierz district is the dozens of golf carts coursing its streets. The built-in speakers explain the district’s history to passengers in a way that is generally quite superficial and often downright false. FestivALT has created alternative tours that address the complications, controversies, and cultural confusion of contemporary Kazimierz.

You can book your tour at or at the Galicia Jewish Museum.

  1. Jason Francisco presents his version of an imagined Kazimierz that was untouched by the war.
  2. See this historical district of Kazimierz and the changes it’s undergoing through the amusing gaze of a young local Pole, Anetka Przebinda.
  3. Adam Schorin, tour guide and grandson of a survivor from Kraków, discusses Holocaust tourism and sites of personal significance.
  4. Estera Mrówka & Jurek Lubiński explore the contradictions and problems in Polish and Jewish perspectives through the lens of two young tourists.
  5. Menachem Kaiser presents a trip through the streets of Kazimierz as guided by the most philosophical and cynical golf cart in Krakow.
  6. Criminal investigations from the seedy underbelly of pre-war Kazimierz by local music duo Di Libe brent wi a nase Szmate.