“From the Almost Black Book of Auschwitz/Monowitz” Francisco – vernissage

Auschwitz and Auschwitz-Birkenau are the two most famous and most visited genocidal sites in the world, but they do not encompass the whole of the Auschwitz complex. Jason Francisco’s photo-text-installation work examines a part of the Auschwitz story all but erased from public memory, through a deliberate misuse of the historical practice of stereoscopy.

Housed next to the site of a pre-war Yiddish theater, Trzecie Oko Gallery specializes in fine-art photography. In the past, Trzecie Oko has hosted FestivALT shows Greetings from Płaszów and Into Jewish Krakow. This year’s exhibition addresses the difficulty in commemorating an often-overlooked site of violence and the particular pitfalls of public memory.

Opening: 16:00 on 26.06
Opening hours: 14:00–19:00
Exhibition on display 21–30.06
Free admission


The event is co-organzied with Trzecie Oko Gallery.