Hummus Amamamusi Unplugged

The debate about the origins of hummus is a long and difficult one: nearly every country and ethnic group in the Middle East has made a claim to be its primary inventors, and it can be hard to buy or sell the food without making some kind of political statement. This debate has not left Kraków unscathed: while in much of the city, hummus is primarily sold as a product of the Arab world, in Kazimierz, it’s typically treated as a Jewish Israeli food.

For this inaugural event of FestivALT Nights, join Bart and Kasia, owners of Hummus Amamamusi and makers of self-described “Polish hummus,” for an evening that will change everything you think you know about a little legume called the chickpea. Without electricity (but with wine), we will journey back in time for a workshop that recreates the hummus-making of yore, and a conversation about how food fits into one’s identity.

Buy your ticket (40 PLN) in advance at Hummus Amamamusi, ul. Meiselsa 4, any day between 10 a.m. and 8 p.m.



The events is co-organized with Hummus Anamamusi and Ranny Ptaszkek.