Vernissage and discussion with Marcella Poroszanka lead by Michał Sosna.
Jewish Patchwork is a collection of works united by the common motif of the reinterpretation of one’s own Jewishness. Zajebiści Żydzi (Polish: “F*cking Awesome Jews”) and Bardzo istotne momenty z Camp Atid 2022 (Polish: “Very important moments from Camp Atid 2022”) are intertwining yet formally different works telling the story of a community that is trying to preserve its cultural identity, while simultaneously proposing inclusiveness and change as important values rather than cause for fear.
Bardzo istotne momenty… is an intimate analysis of the Jewish community at its most idyllic: on vacation. Entering into an artistic dialogue with fabrics created by Margaret Mirga-Tas, the project becomes a tender, sometimes slightly ironic focus on the particularities of the community in funny or touching moments on the trip.
Zajebiści Żydzi is a series of photographs exploring the visual language of this young generation of Jewish people. The project aesthetic is inspired by fashion photography as a medium for the reinterpretation of Jewish symbols and Jewish life more broadly. Queerness, hip-hop and camp are identities and aesthetics that are important to the friends of the artist, who were involved in the project.
Open Call
The project was selected among the applications for this year's Open Call, supported by the Jewish Humanitarian Fund, during the deliberations of the international jury.