Join us at an online event The Order of Violence: The Ghetto Benches in Poland with the representatives of the academic communities of Krakow, Warsaw and Poznań.

It was the university authorities of the time who were responsible for introducing these sanctions, and few know that these orders have, to this day, still not been repealed. Are they still a legal problem? Should they be officially repealed, and if so, should there be compensation or consequence again the universities? What actions have been taken so far, and what should be done to ensure that their significance is not purely symbolic?

Participating in the discussion will be: Prof. Roma Sendyka, Dr. hab. Joanna Wawrzyniak, Dr. Natalia Judzińska, Marcin Parzyński, Agnieszka Zawisza, and Sebastian Słowiński.
The event is co-organized with the Research Center for Memory Cultures and the Galicia Jewish Museum in Krakow.
Financed by
This event is part of the project "NeDiPa: Negotiating Difficult Pasts", which FestivALT is implementing together with Fundacja Zapomniane and the Urban Memory Foundation thanks to the support of the European Union in the framework of the program Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV).