“Awkward Objects of Genocide” Lehrer / Sendyka / Wilczyk / Zych – conversation

For three years, Dr. Roma Sendyka, Dr. Erica Lehrer, curator Magdalena Zych, and photographer Wojciech Wilczyk have researched representations of the Holocaust in Polish folk art. Their work culminated in an exhibition at the Ethnographic Museum in Kraków, Terribly Close: Polish Vernacular Artists Face the Holocaust, which was on display from December 2018 to March 2019. Join the curators for a presentation about these uncanny, baffling, and at times deeply empathic works of art.

In December 2018, anthropologists Roma Sendyka, Erica Lehrer, and Magdalena Zych, and photographer Wojciech Wilczyk opened their exhibition Terribly Close. Polish Vernacular Artists Face the Holocaust, the result of three years of researching representations of the Holocaust in Polish folk art. Join them for a preview of their forthcoming book and a presentation about these uncanning, bafflying, and at times deeply empathic works of art.
Event will be in English and Polish, with simultaneous translation. Free admission.
We try to make our art accessible and affordable for everyone. To that end, to guarantee your spot for this event, you can reserve by donating an amount of your choice or none at all. Please make your reservation by clicking on the button below. You may also make your donation at the door.

The event is co-organizded with Galicia Jewish Museum.