“Jews! Jews! Jews!” Betty Q / Schewitz / Va Voom

Jews! Jews! Jews! is a Berlin-based minori-tease cabaret that was started in 2018 by Jewish-American artists Lolita Va Voom and Nana Schewitz. In their quest to “re-Jew” Germany, these two cabaret artists book shows featuring exclusively Jewish and minority artists; the show celebrates Jewish holidays and traditions in new and old ways, while informing non-Jewish audience members about fun and unique aspects of the Jewish experience. On its first journey outside Berlin, Jews! Jews! Jews! joins FestivALT for a night of drag, burlesque, and a special charity raffle. With Lolita Va Voom, Nana Schewitz, and host Betty Q.

We try to make our art accessible and affordable for everyone. To that end, to guarantee your spot for this event, you can reserve by donating an amount of your choice or none at all. Please make your reservation by clicking on the button below. You may also make your donation at the door. Suggested donation of 30zł.