The Medical Plants of Płaszów

  • Time & Date 27.06.2018 / 17:00
  • Location MOPS Podgórze, 7/3 Dąbrówki St.
  • Original language PL / EN

    In Polish & English


The former Nazi camp KL Płaszów, a vast area in the Podgórze district of Kraków, is the city’s most notorious Holocaust site – today a no-man’s land which functions as a recreation area for local residents. The use and misuse, remembering and forgetting of Płaszów’s history has preoccupied artist Jason Francisco for years. “The Medicinal Plants of Płaszów” is an experimental work of historical memory, created in response to the question, “What forces of healing is Płaszów itself generating?” As it turns out, the genocidal earth of Płaszów grows all manner of plants from which actual medicinal tinctures, teas and compounds can be made. During FestivALT, we will dedicate a new community garden of medicinal plants harvested from the former camp, plus Kraków’s first long-term exhibition about the complications of the Płaszów site. In addition, FestivALT will host a historical/botanical walking tour of Plaszów.

From 23.06 | Municipal Center of Social Welfare, Podgórze, 7/3 Dąbrówki 
27.06, 5 pm – Inauguration of the garden
28.06, 10 am – Tour of Płaszów (10 PLN fee)

Our partners in 2018 edition are: Third Eye Photo Gallery Krakow. Leica Boutique. Fundacja Dialogu Obywatelskiego (The Foundation of Civic Dialogue), Młynek Cafe.

Financed by

Festivalt 2018's edition is possible thanks to the generous support of: The Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Foundation's Grassroots Events program, Paideia – European Institute for Jewish Studies in Sweden, Asylum Arts, Amamamusi Hummus Restaurant.