FestivALT Founders
Open Call Jury 2023
Jason Francisco
Short bio
American artist and essayist. Combining documentary and conceptual art, his work focuses on the complications of historical memory and new directions in art as testimony. Francisco’s major projects include: “Alive and Destroyed: A Meditation on the Holocaust in Time” (Daylight Books launch, 2021), “The Camp in its Afterlives” (2010-2018), “An Unfinished Memory” (2014-2018) and Far from Zion: Jews, Diaspora, Remembrance (Stanford University Press, 2006). He is the author of many limited editions of photo books, internet installations, experimental films, photo-text hybrids, reportages, essays and translations of poems. Co-founder of FestivALT and one of the directors (2017-2019).