“IN || TENT” Laster – performance

  • Time & Date 27.06.2024 / 12:00
  • Location site of the former Pod Kotwicą inn in Podgórze, Józefińska Street 16 (across from CentrALT)
  • Original language PL / EN

    In Polish & English


Hospitality is a significant feature of most – if not all – traditional societies. But what happens to the practices of hospitality when a person or community remains on the move, with no permanent residence?


IN || TENT is a one-on-one performance with the artist, based on the ritual washing of feet. The idea of the performance is to create a space of unconditional acceptance, and inclusivity that suspends the identity categories that make us “other.” The tent space is a kind of utopian non-place and at the same time a space we inhabit through a sense of radical otherness. The act of care in this ephemeral space can be read as a decolonial gesture, revealing the multitude of paths while reminding us of our true relationship with the earth – we are merely passersby.

The performance references ancient and contemporary concepts and practices of hospitality. It explores issues such as wandering, precarity, displacement/settlement, and (de)colonization from a contemporary perspective. It proposes a critical and invigorating approach to the problems of statehood, statelessness, nomadism, and the ever-elusive idea of home.


The event is co-organized with Matexi.

Open Call

The project was selected by an international jury as part of this years Open Call supported by the Jewish Dutch Humanitarian Fund.

Financed by

The 8th edition of FestivALT is made possible thanks to the support of the Matanel Foundation and the Dutch Jewish Humanitarian Fund and it is organized as part of the "MultiMemo: Multidirectional Memory: Remembering for Social Justice" project, thanks to the support of the European Union under the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) program.